Hi, I'm Deniz
I love creating warm and nourishing spaces to help you feel relaxed, grounded, connected, and in touch with your heart. The work I do focuses on creating an intimate connection or felt sense of your body, process and release emotions, and connect deeply to yourself so that you can express yourself authentically and live according to what your heart desires.
I am passionate about embodiment: coming home into your body. Imagine feeling so connected to your body that it brings you joy, pleasure, and peace. Regulating the nervous system, creating a sense of safety and ownership over the body, and learning to listen to the body’s messages are the foundations that I work with. On a deeper level, the work I offer uses the embodied experience as a gateway into a meditative state of stillness and presence where we can access deeper experiences of (self)love and creative expression.
My classes and workshops are inspired by my own studies in yoga, somatics, massage, non-linear movement, intuitive dance, breathwork, yoga therapy, plant medicine work, and shamanism. You can read more about my education here.