
Yoga for Mental Health

Hi there!

I'm Deniz

I’m a self-care coach and I help women set up healthy self-care habits to maximize creativity, productivity, and well-being …

So that you can thrive in your life and business.

Running a business can be exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be.

   What’s exhausting is:

  • Running on empty because you don’t have the right self-care practices in place
  • Spending too much time doing things you don’t enjoy doingand too little time doing things that make your heart come alive
  • Your inner critic that holds you back from being authentically YOU
  • The absence of healthy boundaries and a fear of asking for help
  • Worrying and being too much in your headinstead of connected to your body and pleasure
  • An unhealthy lifestyleit’s hard to feel good if you don’t get your diet, exercise, and sleep right
"That's where I come in to support you
and your business."

Are you ready to:

Self-care changes how you relate to yourself at your core.
Let’s invite your future in and make your life amazing!
Let’s infuse your life with Self Care Magic

If you are curious about what working with me can do for you …

Book your FREE 30-min Radical Self-Care Call now.

Let’s create a lifestyle that makes you feel great!